
Mine fatality: Engulfed Miner

Mine Safety and Health Administration  
MINE FATALITY – On June 7, 2021, a miner entered the top of a primary feed hopper to break up and remove a large rock. Raw material that remained on the sides of the hopper sloughed off and engulfed the miner.
Best Practices
Equip hoppers with mechanical devices, grates/grizzlies or other effective means of handling material so miners are not required to enter or work where they are exposed to entrapment by caving or sliding material.
Establish and assure policies and procedures are followed to safely remove blockages in bins and hoppers. Follow manufacturer recommendations.
Provide a safe means of access that allows miners to safely conduct tasks such as removing large rocks and other material.
Wear an appropriate safety harness, lanyard and lifeline which are securely anchored and constantly monitored and adjusted by another person, as needed, prior to entering bins or hoppers.
Train miners in safe work procedures and hazard recognition especially when removing blockages in bins or hoppers.

learn more
Miners and mine operators can find safety and health information on MSHA.gov.  

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